
Showing posts from January, 2023


 Today we did the Christmas bulb. My optic was most people are, at heart, stupid, selfish, and irrational creatures. At the stop line we had to do how we agree the middle was complying and the bottom was don’t agree. It was pretty easy. It was a chill day we really didn’t do that much. We also took a vocabulary test.


 Today i was at school but i was taking the asvab.


 Today we didn’t really do that much. We talked about ethos logos and pathos more today. We had to give examples of all three of them for people smoking. Today we mainly talked about smoking. It was a very chill and good day.


 Today is going good. Today we learned about arguments. Then we learned about claims. We then wrote a cluster. The cluster was about should schools accommodate school lunches.We sat and took notes. It was a light day today. 


Today we did another cluster. It was a cluster about things we thought were overrated. I did my cluster on hairstylist. I had to learn how to do my own hair so that these hairstylist didn’t have to . Overall today was pretty chill. 

overrated cluster



 Today we continued doing what we did yesterday. This is actually fun. We revised some people paragraphs. And i seen first hand how some people could be typing so fast that they messed up. I also seen in the class that teen these days are very childish. You had a group of people laughing at others because the accidentally spelled something wrong or put a work in the wrong place. 


I feel the film was about you shouldn’t have to hide the true you to be like everybody’s else. This film was about a girl who was in the class learning about something she thought a relates to her life. The lesson was about people who had to live in a cave. They did know nothing but the cave. Everyday all they seen was this black wall. When she was really thinking about it she thought it related to her life so she went to the bathroom and took the mask off her face and walked around freely. She may have did this because the teacher told them it was one slave and ho traveled outside of the cave.


 Today was a great day. We learned about the 5 steps to writing the paragraph. We wrote one with Mr.Rease. After we wrote the one with Mr.Rease we wrote one by ourself. The topic we did it in was jobs. This subject was kinda easy for me because i’ve been to many interviews and prepared for a lot of jobs. But over all it was a pretty chill day. 

my cluster


daily writing

 This is my writing from Thursday. I didn’t do my writing yesterday because i forgot to. But yesterday we read another article from Langston Hugh’s. It was a great poem. It was about the long history about Black African american people. air was a pretty chill day.   

Daily writing

 Today we went over test taking strategy’s. I already knew them they just helped me to remember everything. We also was supposed to take a test but didn’t have enough time. We went to get our chrome books looked at. The test would’ve been about the articles we read this week by Langston Hughs. 

The Last 3 Minutes

 I think the message of the last 3 minutes was that you should live life to the fullest . You should have fun while you’re here. I think the purpose of life is to have fun live it to the fullest do things you want to because when you’re gone there is no coming back. You should do everything you want to be what you want to be in life. Go those places you want to go. Don’t let nobody tell you that you cannot do nothing unless you are trying to do the wrong thing. 

daily writing

Today we read a new poem. Today was pretty good. I was very tired. I also learned about Langston hugh’s. the class was a little longer today. we annotated the poem we read. 

“The Best Advice”

The best advice a female figure in my life has ever given to me is don’t let a male control you mind or day. The situation that promoted her to tell me this advice was because i used to let the person i was in a relationship with control my day everything he did would control how i feel. if he was doing good i’ll be good if he would do something to make me mad i’ll be mad all day. It took me time but eventually i did follow the advice. That wasn’t something i could just change in one day, but i got it and stop letting people in general control my day.

Daily writing

 today in class we watched the short film. it was about this man in an elevator. i learned that you can have more than one them to something. the two themes for the short film was never judge a book by its cover and be grateful for what you have. we also took a pre assessment it was hard to me.

The Elevator Film response

 i thought that it was boring. i didn’t like the music and that nobody was saying anything. i think the two themes are be grateful for what you have. the other is don’t judge a book by it’s cover.


 my name is amya lyals I plan on becoming an orthodontist  some of my hobbies is doing hair and cooking  my too 3 artist is mariah the scientist, lil baby and young thug.  4 interesting facts about me is my birthday is sept 3, i am the middle child to my mom but the oldest to my dad. my favorite food is seafood and pasta palace i would like to visit is bora bora i have no reason i would just love to go.